Choose a sector where you are guaranteed a job. And above all, choose a company where you count: CombiVliet. We are one of the largest tomato growers in Europe. We grow them at seven different locations in the Netherlands. We like to leave the picking of our tomatoes to our temporary employees.
Assured of a good job in the Netherlands.
With the job satisfaction of CombiVliet.

Working at CombiVliet
Working in another country for a shorter or longer time? Choose the Netherlands.

Grow together
Not just any 'temporary employee'.
What kind of work is it?
Working in the greenhouses at a company like CombiVliet is light and clean work. If you are in good health, you can cope just fine. At most, you work 40 hours a week. In summer, we usually start early in the morning. Then you finish earlier in the afternoon.
You always have colleagues around you. Especially people from Poland and Romania. You can go for a few months, but also longer if you want. And do you want to progress further? Then you can even take charge of your own team.
Job satisfaction guaranteed
At CombiVliet, you are not just a 'temporary employee'. What we do in our greenhouses, we do together. That is why we think good working conditions are important. That is why we pay you a fair wage. And that is why we do much more to make sure you enjoy your work. For instance, we provide good accommodation, transport to and from work and medical supervision.

We would like to offer you the chance for a better future. Will you help us in production?
You can apply through our own employment agency NL Jobs.